
Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 6, 2013

Ảnh tư liệu của những nhân vật nổi tiếng (ST: ĐB)

Jimi Hendrix & Mick Jagger, New York, 1969 (are they in jail?)

The Beatles and Mohammad Ali, 1964

Martin Luther King Jr. And Marlon Brando (The Godfather)Danny DeVito and Christopher Reeve ( the big & little of it)Charlie Chaplin and Albert EinsteinChuck Norris and Bruce Lee (cannot believe this one)Paul Newman and Clint Eastwood
Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Warren G. Harding, and Harvey Firestone, 1921Steve Jobs and Bill GatesJames Dean and Elizabeth Taylor (WOW !!)

Ian Fleming and Sean Connery (is this really BOND)Johnny Cash and Ray CharlesElvis Presley and Tom JonesJerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash (a Beauty)Ella Fitzgerald and Louis ArmstrongCharlie Chaplin and GandhiMarilyn Monroe and Sammy Davis Jr.

<>never seen anywhere before JFK+MM)<>

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