
Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 11, 2014

Các bậc thang đầy nghệ thuật (ST: KC)

1. San Francisco 
1. 16
These tiled stairs run up 163 steps at 16th and Moraga Street in San Francisco. Over 300 neighborhoods joined in to create the spectacle, leading to an absolutely beautiful result.

2. Valparaiso, Chile 
2. Va

In Valparaiso, Chile, you can walk up a flight of piano-like stairs. 

3. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 3. Ph
Not all art is contained in between walls at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. These steps were
painted for a Salvador Dali exhibition in 2005 and are a masterpiece in themselves. 

4. Valparaiso, Chile 

This staircase is another beautiful display of art in Valparaiso, Chile. The detail of the houses and
the ocean views is stunning.

5. Seoul, South Korea 5. Se
In Seoul, South Korea is this amazing flight of steps. Colorful koi fish are painted in orange,
red, and yellow tones that stand out against the very vibrant blue hue of the stairs.

6. Wuppertal, Germany 6. Wu
Wuppertal, Germany is home to a set of 112 steps that are known as the Holsteiner Stairs. With
the wide array of bright colors, it's almost like walking on a rainbow.
7. Sicily, Italy 
7. Si

This historic staircase in Italy was constructed in 1608 and is made up of many ceramic tiles. It's been
used as a backdrop for plenty of festivals and images are illustrated using thousands of flowers or candles. 

8. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
8. Rio
The detail on these Rio de Janeiro steps are insane. The face looks so life-like and the eyes
practically stare straight through you. 

9. Beirut, Lebanon 
9. Be

In Beirut, Lebanon you can find these steps painted in a rainbow of colors that resemble piano keys. 

10. Seoul, South Korea 10. S
These beautiful painted stairs are not just for show; walking up them will lead you to a musical
theatre in South Korea. The painting of the woman is stunning, the contrasting black, white, and bright pink colors making for an eye catching effect.

11. Stairs of Peace in Syria 11. S
Syrian students painted a fantastic pattern on the longest staircase in their town with some very vibrant colors. They hoped that the display would produce joyful feelings in the locals who were undergoing hardships.

12. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 12. R
This world famous staircase, known as Escadaria Selaron, was painted by a Chilean artist.

13. Angers, France
13. A
These steps in France were part of an amazing origami street art exhibit. The way the paper
creations color the steps is stunning and surreal-like 

14. Istanbul, Turkey 

This bright rainbow staircase in Istanbul.

15. Morlaix, France 
15. M

In Morlaix, France, you can walk up these steps that double as an amazing piece of art work. The painting of the woman is fantastic and, even with neutral tones, it still stands out in a breath taking way.

16. Tehran, Iran 
16. T

This floral stairway in Iran is has beautiful floral designs and a neat layered look. 

17. Beirut, Lebanon 17. Beirut, Lebanon - 17
You can't help but smile when looking at these brightly colored steps in Lebanon.

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